Burning Issues With Dr. Mitch Earleywine

Providing Legal Access to Medical Cannabis



Today on Burning Issues Dr. Mitch is joined by Jordan Page, a cannabis freedom activist and the PR Director for CannaSense. Cannasense is providing legal access to medical cannabis through a framework of existing state and federal laws, to patients in all 50 states. As a medical cannabis collective they use a specific legal strategy, developed over 10 years of research, to provide and ship cannabis medication to patients across the US regardless of individual state mandates. They are in strict compliance with state and federal laws including the Compassionate Use Act, the Affordable Care Act, and Article 4 Section 1 of the US Constitution, among many others. Under the provisions of the CUA and through the vehicle of telemedicine, they connect patients in every state with CA board certified medical doctors who issue them medical cards and recommendations for membership in our collective, thereby making them CA patients.