Russ Rantz

Episode 46: W Key



Do you know what "W Key" means? Did you know that it's gamer lingo for "full speed ahead!"? It's a term used for hyper-aggressive players who only ever try to push forward, regardless of the risks and low chances of success. The funniest thing is, it's not typically a positive term of endearment, but rather a label for people who have no regard for caution or calculation.  Well...we're going to spin that another way today as I'm wrestling with a concept:  We all hate the "F word," right? You know...failure (did I make you think of something else?)... Whether we're consciously aware of our efforts to avoid this concept at all costs or not, it really does influence a ton of our decisions EVERY DAY! I came to a realization a few years back that it'd be best to fail fast, and fail forward. It wasn't so much that I enjoyed pain, but that I'd rather experience short-term discomfort now and have noticeable growth, then try to avoid pain at all costs, and wonder if I'd be a better person had I just stuck