Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG296 Artist Richard Pasquarelli helps us understand our relationship with our "stuff" so much better.



I was blown away by Richard Pasquarelli's solo exhibition, As It Should Be at BravinLee Programs. The show is up until May 14, 2022. GO SEE IT!  526 West 26th Street #211 NYC 10001 212-462-4404   info@bravinlee.com Hours: Wednesday-Saturday 12-5 Richard Pasquarelli is a New York based artist whose paintings study the psychological relationships between our minds and the physical world. He has what he refers to as Organizational OCD. This condition was originally pointed out to him around 10 years ago by his then teen-aged sons after a long period of watching their dad continuously straighten out everything around the house, including their casually placed backpacks. It was a bit of a wake up call for Richard and he went into a deep dive researching his condition, including attending a professional conference on hoarding and visiting hoarders' homes, immersing himself in their environment and personal stories. RIchard Pasquarelli's journey is a great example of how art is healing. Not only did Richard's exper