Grizzly Times Podcast

Episode 50 - Tom Mazzarizi - Bear Ranger with a Focus on Grizzlies for over 15 Years



For the past 15 years, Tom Mazzarisi has worked as a bear ranger, with a focus on grizzlies, starting in Yellowstone and now in Glacier National Park – fulfilling a lifetime dream that started when he was 12 years old. In this interview, you can hear Tom’s conservation ethic shine through his stories of the challenges keeping grizzlies and people safe in some of the country’s most iconic landscapes – even as visitor use explodes. He also shares perspectives about management of wildlife in the western US and Africa, from years of experience leading natural history safaris with First Light Safaris with his wife Amy. You might have heard the story -- broadcast on national news -- about how Tom reunited a teddy bear that had been accidentally dropped in Glacier last year to its 7-year-old owner, Naomi. Tom is also a passionate environmental advocate who also shares his views on delisting, trophy hunting and more.