Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

Decisions, Decisions



Today I want to talk to you about how to discern before you decide. Discerning is a strength you already have in you, and it is there to help you with every decision. In I Kings 3:5 (NIV) God says to Solomon, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." In Verse 9 Solomon says, "So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong." The two key words he used in Hebrew are Shama and Byin. Listen and discern. We all have decisions to make… decisions, decisions. Should I take this job? Is this the right house to buy? Should we move across the country to Arkansas? I was preaching at a church in California and a man came up after the service and said, "I'm dating and I want to know if she is the right one for me." Big decisions, destiny-determining decisions. These decisions we make and all the degrees in the world will not help you know if this person you’re dating is right for you. The