Ep 42: The Proven Path to Scalable Growth Without Operational Headache with Andrea Hardaway



Can Property Managers scale and grow their business without putting in 40, 50, 60+ hour work weeks? We know of at least one who has done it! And, luckily for the rest of us, she wrote an entire book detailing her approach.  In this session, Andrea talks through her experience as a business coach in the corporate world, and how she's applied many of the same principles to her company, First Property Management, to be able to truly step out of the day to day operations and set her business up with the right people and processes to scale without the burnout.  Her new book, Property Management Freedom is set to release in May!  *** BONUS*** We're giving away FREE copies of her book upon release. Make sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter at to get the details on how you can win your free copy!