Women's Leadership, Women's Career Development, Business Executive Coaching & Podcast By Sabrina Braham Ma Ppc

A Black Woman Leader Shares Roadmap To Become A Vice-President | Karmyn Norwood Lockheed Martin | Women’s Leadership Success 87



Does the path to your career advancement seem unclear? Have you ever wondered how some people advance, in spite of the odds? In part I of this interview Karmyn Norwood, a black woman leader shares her journey from entry-level engineer to becoming a vice-president at Lockheed Martin while still in her early 40’s. In this great interview you will get one of the most comprehensive, step by step strategies on how to advance your career that I have ever published. Also at the end of the show check out the free webinar and tip sheet to help you advance your career & leadership success. Quotes from our Special Guest Karmyn Norwood “Yes, we have to deliver our products, but really the people who I’m leading; they are the most valuable asset and not necessarily the products. In a business environment, you quickly learn that you’re not the smartest person in the room, and to get to the end state, it takes the entire team, and there are strengths and weaknesses on every team. We leverage those strengths and we develo