Lead To Win With Michael Hyatt

#085: Michael Answers Your Questions



Leaders are problem solvers, and that means coming up with the right answers. The problem is that you may have no one to go to with our own inquiries. It’s tough to be the one everybody’s looking to for solutions when you’ve got more questions than answers! The longer we’re in leadership, the more we’re convinced that asking the right questions is far more important than always having an answer in your hip pocket.That’s why we take time out once in awhile to let you ask the questions that are on your mind. That’s what this episode is about. Think of it as a whiteboard session. We’ll tackle some of your most persistent questions and offer the benefit of our experience.Here’s what’s inside this episode:Andy Comer asks how to create meaningful relationship goals in the SMARTER™ format.Jordan Brittley wants to know how to keep track of revenue goals—without becoming a slave to them.Sprout Marketing asks how to maintain a personal connection with employees as your business scales.Tom Tonkin poses a