Rush Limbaugh Morning Update

Reagan Knocked Down That Wall



RUSH: The 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is going on right now. It’s dark over there in Germany. I have a story here from the State-Controlled Associated Press: ‘Merkel Thanks Gorbachev on Berlin Wall Anniversary.’ Now, let’s be clear about something. ‘Barack Hussein Obama. Mmm, mmm, mmm!’ was invited to go and said (imitating Obama) ‘Mmm, mmm, mmm, ain’t going! Got to bowl, gotta play golf, got a concert in the House, got a date night, gotta celebrate health care. I ain’t going. I don’t believe in freedom, anyway. That wall, we communists, we don’t celebrate our failures. Let Gorbachev handle it. Besides, I don’t want to go over there and be upstaged by Ronald Reagan.’ I have not found any reporting yet — I’m not saying she didn’t do it, but I’ve not found any reporting yet that says Merkel mentions Reagan. Now, she did back on November 4th in a speech. She said, ‘Ronald Reagan far earlier than others saw and recognized the sign of the times when standing at the Brandenburg Gate in ’87. He s