Rusk Insights On Rehabilitation Medicine

Panel on Heart and Lung Transplant Patients, Part 1



Welcome to this special two-part series with a panel of speakers.  Part 1 covers various topics, including:  pulmonary conditions that could lead to the need for a transplant; if the recent resurgence of the coronavirus and its continued display of new emerging variants has affected the ability to furnish care for patients; kinds of contributions physiatry, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology clinicians can make in preparing patients for transplantation and in optimizing function; whether rehabilitation settings differ based on the kinds of health problems that patients have; and prevention of the occurrence of hospital readmissions.  Megan Carroll is a Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Geriatric physical therapy. She has been an intensive care unit physical therapist working at NYU Langone Health since 2015. Camille Magsombol works on developing occupational therapy programs to support patients' successful health management of their chronic diseases, including medicatio