Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

223. Victor Pierantoni: The Path To Resolving Your Most Painful Emotions



“The emotions are just like a little kid – they’re gonna keep coming at us wanting to say what they need to say until they’ve been heard and acknowledged.” Victor Pierantoni is a top-rated Results Coach who’s worked with hundreds of clients. He’s the founder of Zen Stoic - a method of emotional mastery that blends the timeless wisdom of two ancient schools: Zen Buddhism (from the East) and Stoicism (from the West).This methodology was developed as a result of Victor’s life experiences. After Victor’s mom died of cancer when he was just seven, Victor learned that everything you love can disappear in a flash. When his dad was diagnosed with melanoma, Victor felt called to help him not suffer mentally. The Zen Stoic path empowers people to savor the present moment while simultaneously preparing to lose everything. It’s a beautiful methodology that can lead you to unshakeable inner peace combined with the strength to take on anything. “When the emotions have not been acknowledged or felt, they