Beautifully Organised With Marissa Roberts

Easy ways to reduce stress and overwhelm



Sometimes there’s just too much going on, none of it is going right, and it leaves us feeling frazzled and frustrated. Between work stuff, family stuff, home stuff, and social stuff, there’s a lot that can pile onto our shoulders and as the mum, we’re the ones expected to not only keep it all running smoothly but do it calmly and without complaining (ha!). When we’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, we usually try to reduce the workload by writing a big to-do list, or delegating some jobs to your partner and kids, but honestly, that rarely helps much. We end up having to micromanage everyone else to make sure the jobs get done (and properly - or we’ll be re-doing them ourselves later), or we finish writing the to-do list and feel even more overwhelmed looking at it. Let’s try a different approach and come at it from an angle of wanting to feel better, not needing to get everything done. There will always be more to do, so let’s prioritise taking care of ourselves first. Everyone else will take their cue from