Goddessceremony Podcast Featuring Cassandra Wilder

Healing from Breast Implant Illness with Stacy Barczak Baker



Welcome back to the CYCLICAL Podcast! I’ve worked with a few women over the years who have had breast implants and dealt with MANY odd and spiraling symptoms. While Breast Implant Illness (BII) is not a medically recognized condition, a quick google search or hashtag search of #BII will quickly illuminate THOUSANDS of women who have had their health decline as a result of breast implants. And that is why this conversation is important  - so you feel informed and can make the right decisions for your health I’ve been eager to have this conversation and that’s why I am ecstatic to chat with Dr. Stacy Barczak Baker - a naturopath AND someone who has personally lived through BII. I also HIGHLY recommend looking at the hashtag #bii on Instagram. You’ll quickly see thousands of women’s stories with breast implant illness In this episode we talk about: What breast implant illness is Why doctors won’t recognize BII as a real diagnosis Stacy’s story getting implants and when she saw her health decline Common s