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Practical Tips On How To Have The Productive Mindset With Zahra Karsan



Limiting beliefs can keep you stuck from getting the connection, wealth, and abundance you want. Zahra Karsan, a personal Success Coach to dozens of global executives and the Founder and CEO of GetZENd, talks with Penny Zenker about the importance of adopting a productive mindset. You operate on 5% conscious mind and 95% subconscious in your daily life. Many of your limiting beliefs are subconscious. That’s why they run on autopilot in the background of your mind. To overcome them, you need to be aware of them. Face them upfront and learn risk management. Listen to this episode to discover practical tips on how you can get into a productive mindset. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/