

There’s probably nothing sicker than religious hypocrisy--people who claim to be tight with God, but then turn out to be total fakes. We hear it all the time: “the church is full of hypocrites.” If religious hypocrisy makes you mad, you’re in good company, because Jesus couldn’t stand it either. In fact, a lot of people don’t realize that Jesus was very first person in recorded history to call out religious people as hypocrites. In the passage for this sermon, Jesus is going to show us three things about hypocrisy:   The Profile of Hypocrisy: Hypocrisy is when goodness becomes virtue signaling. In this definition, hypocrites are not being good for God’s sake or even goodness’ sake, but they are being good for their own sake. For them, it’s about image and brand management, playing to the audience. This is the kind of righteousness that parades itself in order to be seen by others. The Tyranny of Applause: Jesus says that those who live for the applause of others have received their reward. He’s saying