Nasfaa's Off The Cuff Podcast

OTC From the Field: A Student Loan Servicing Deep Dive With SLSA Executive Director Scott Buchanan



This week on “Off The Cuff,” Justin is joined by Scott Buchanan, Student Loan Servicing Alliance’s (SLSA) executive director, to discuss the somewhat contentious environment facing the student loan servicing industry as well as its role within the highly complicated world of higher education financing. The conversation is a deep dive about where student loan servicing stands today, how the Department of Education (ED) is handling the communication efforts surrounding the payment pause, what the eventual resumption of repayments looks like, critiques of the servicing industry, and much more. Hugh then provides a news recap including Congress’ work on a massive omnibus bill and its implications for higher education, how the administration is highlighting the one-year anniversary of the American Rescue Plan, and hints that the administration might be considering another extension of the student loan moratorium.