Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

221. Raj Jana: The Journey To Full Body Leadership



“it's a new experience of learning to live with my full body and accessing intuition and connecting with truths that are present inside my body and my whole soul, my everything.” February was a month of potent growth for me. As I explore my emotional triggers to lean deeper into my healing journey, I’ve been able to integrate aspects of my shadow and expand my knowing of who I am. Looking back, February was about subconsciously living through the lens of full-body leadership. This looked like making decisions and moving through life with my whole body - not just my mind. It meant leveraging the wisdom of the heart, soul, gut, and sacrum in addition to my intellect. This shift in being has felt so powerful. Experiencing a full-body life has exposed me to expanded realities where everything is magnified and on fire. I’m excited to share these experiences with you in this week’s reflection episode. “I want that full-body life. Where everything is just on fire and everything is just alive