

Hi, everybody! I am Georgiana, your English teacher and founder of My mission is to help you speak English fluently. In this episode: - We continue with the flaws in English. We're going to learn four more words. - In part two, you'll practice grammar with a point of view lesson. Remember, you can get the transcript and much more at Last week I talked about flaws. Unlike virtues, flaws are undesirable characteristics of someone's personality.   I talked about this:   Stinginess: when you don't ever want to spend money. Indifference: When you have no interest or empathy for something or someone. Intransigence: When you are rigid in your positions and never make concessions. Gossip: When you are indiscreet in talking about others. Today we are going to look at four more flaws. Let's start! #1 Greed In a previous episode, I talked about stinginess. If you remember, it means trying not to spend money. Well, we have another word that may have some relation. I'm talk