Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

The Value of Conscious Capitalism on Your Business - (Episode 79)



David Wolf makes a return visit to Today’s Business Leaders to share the direction he is taking his business since he last appeared on the show, how to effectively build a podcast audience, why he decided to give back and more.Playing with EmotionsDavid has long helmed a successful podcast, and he helps others do the same with his business, Podcast & Radio. When building an audience, David explains everything basically comes down to love and hate. Playing on cheap emotions, like fear and hate will trigger people and garner attention. However, this is not an effective long-term plan. Constantly barraging your listeners with fear will burn them out. “How we make people feel,” David explains, “is ultimately more important than what we know and what we do for them.” Bringing people into your environment and sharing the emotional side of the spectrum provides value and converts sales.Conscious CapitalismAfter listening to Howard Shultz speak, David was inspired to give back. He donates about 10 percent of the