

I enjoy talking with entrepreneurs and would be entrepreneurs, so I recently hosted some consultation calls with entrepreneurs to be as a part of one of my programs. And during one of the calls I had to step up and switch the subject we talked about because she mentioned she thinks she has some ADHD symptoms.  So in this episode, I talk about how, over time, certain ADHD traits can build you an awesome life or can create you a lot of problems. That is, if you don't find a way to escape the cycle ADHD causes. Is it possible to succeed with ADHD? If you are ENFP here is a FREE training I have for you Don’t miss future episodes of this podcast, subscribe here: Apple Podcasts | Google Play Music | Stitcher | TuneIn | If you enjoy the podcast and would like to submit your own question for a future episode, you can do so here: If you want to follow my travels or catch some shorter videos and updates I share, you can find me on Face