Ai With Ai

Slightly Unconscionable



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, including a GAO report on AI – Status of Developing and Acquiring Capabilities for Weapon Systems [1:01]. The U.S. Army has awarded a contract for the demonstration of an offensive drone swarm capability (the HIVE small Unmanned Aircraft System), seemingly similar but distinct from DARPA’s OFFSET demo [4:11]. A ‘pitch deck’ from Clearview AI reveals their intent to expand beyond law enforcement and aim to have 100B facial photos in its database within a year [5:51]. Tortoise Media releases a global AI index that benchmarks nations based on their level of investment, innovation, and implementation of AI [7:57]. Research from UC Berkeley and the University of Lancaster shows that humans can no longer distinguish between real and fake (generated by GANs) faces [10:30]. MIT, Aberdeen, and the Centre of Governance of AI look at trends of computation in machine learning, identifying three eras and trends, including a ‘large-scale model’ trend where large cor