Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 7: Claudia Chan



1:11 How Claudia began. Watching her powerful, entrepreneurial Chinese Mother do it all. 2:16 Sex and the City. 2000s. Power of the media to influence Women’s values. 3.26 Half the Sky: learning about the state of women and girls in the Third world, developing countries, maternal mortality and sex trafficking. In the US: the pay gap and gender inequality. 4:25 First SHE Summit. Showing women that they can become leaders and change agents. 5:35 Innovation means seeing the invisible. When you see the invisible, you can do the impossible. 6.24 Living in the discomfort. It’s where you make the most change. 7.02 Spiritual growth has to precede personal growth. Personal Growth has to precede Leadership development. Leadership Development leads to Social Change. 7.50 Leadership Development means being really clear on your purpose. Being a Visionary, leading teams. 8:46 We’re always going to bump into new challenges that will trigger things from our childhood. For Claudia, this often shows up