Twisted Sisterds

183 - Twisterds Movie Club: I’m Going to Put Baby in the Corner - Dirty Dancing



Welcome to the March installment of the Twisterds Movie Club. After opening discussion about library conferences via Zoom, where in the library where Nicole works are COVID tests being done (spoiler: they're not), a blonde siamese cat, and the lesbian witches who live down the alley, Nicole and Becky discussed the 1987 movie Dirty Dancing.   There were many critiques and some praise culminating in a rant about the US healthcare system. Whether you love or loathe the movie, we think this discussion will give you plenty to ponder.   By becoming a $5 patron at you can listen to bonus Twisterds Movie Club episodes and prior guests answering our 10 nerdy and ridiculous questions.   If you have questions or want to chat with us, tweet at us @twistedsisterds or drop a comment on our Facebook page, or better yet, head over to Patreon and become a $1 or more subscriber to join the Twisterds Tavern private FB group. We always enjoy sharing our magick.   Subscribe and drop us a 5-star r