The Casey Crew

Episode 205: Ladies Night Part 1…



Happy Women’s Month ladies!! And what would be better than to kick off the first podcast of the month with Gia and her girlfriends? Gia invites some of her closest friends for a “relationship status”conversation, in which they all reveal the highs and lows of where they are presently in their love lives (or lack there of). They are all going through situations we’re sure you can relate to in some way. They discuss how it feels living in today’s society - single, married, in long a distance relationship and more… Ladies, do you feel as though it is hard to find a GOOD man today? Do you find yourself lowering your standards and settling just to achieve your end goal? How many of you have put excessive pressure on yourselves because your biological clock is beating a hole in your head and your heart? Have any of you ever thought about freezing your eggs or having a baby on your own? Are you more career oriented or family focused and how has either played a role in the success of your relationships? Let’s just sa