Hazard Ground

Lewis Nelson (Author, "Life After Loyalty")



A combination of factors led Lewis Nelson to enlist in the Army after college – 9/11; a family history of military service; and a history degree with a job that was going nowhere. So Nelson enlisted to become a linguist, and after several years of specialized training found himself in Iraq on two separate deployments with the 101st Airborne Division. While deployed, Nelson ran the gamut of combat occupations, from intelligence collection, to running convoys, to helping combat arms soldiers clear houses. All of it seemed pretty natural and exciting to someone who lives life on the heels of the next adventure. But the return home & reintegration with normal life is where the adventure of war caught up with Nelson. He found himself battling a new enemy – PTSD. Hear his story & how he worked through those struggles on this very enlightening episode of HAZARD GROUND! www.wanderingveteran.com | “Life After Loyalty” Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors at www.hazardground.com/sponsors! Help grow the show!