Hazard Ground

Jim Hackett (Marine, Vietnam)



Facing a draft notice and challenged by his Marine father to prove his mettle, Jim Hackett signed up for the Marine Corps in 1967. The war in Vietnam was heating up considerably in the late '60s, and Jim Hackett the Marine - and a crack shot at that - was heading right for the meat grinder. Except a funny thing happened at boot camp graduation: Hackett wasn't immediately sent to the infantry. Instead, as a top graduate of his class, he was sent off to "Secret School" to learn how to track the enemy on the battlefield, at close range no less. By the time Jim made it to Vietnam, the war was quickly headed toward the height of chaos. Two Purple Hearts and a full enlistment in the Marine Corps later, Jim Hackett left the military to take on other pursuits. He bounced back from his combat experiences to become a working actor, and live an incredibly interesting life after the war. Hear all about it on this episode of HAZARD GROUND! The Greatest Generations Foundation This week's episode is brought to you by our ne