Hazard Ground

Steven Kiernan (Marine, Writer)



Steve Kiernan joined the Marine Corps when he was 17. He attended his high school graduation as a Marine fresh out of boot camp. The discipline and drive that the Marine Corps instilled in Steve are what ultimately got him through some of his darkest days – the by-product of becoming a Marine and heading off to war. Just a few weeks into his first tour in Iraq in 2008, Steve was walking point on a security patrol heading back to base in Fallujah when he was hit by an IED. The blast ended up taking both of his legs. The recovery process for Steve was long, grueling at times, and something he almost didn’t make it out of. A desire to forge a new path in life significantly different from the one he knew before his injury, gave Steve new hope and a reason to keep living. He’s now a short story and essay writer, pursuing an MFA at the University of Oregon. This is another inspirational story of combat and survival you don’t want to miss! www.steven-kiernan.com This episode is also brought to you by our latest spon