George And Charlie: Off The Bridle

S4E1 - Star guest Nicky Henderson fuels our Festival excitement



When George teed up Nicky Henderson as a possible guest we knew we had to return early for Series 4! With the Festival around the corner, it was the perfect time to talk to the National Hunt legend and he was on top form. He gives us an insight into his 2022 Cheltenham plans and reveals a little of what it’s really like behind the scenes in the build-up weeks. In a light-hearted but informative chat with the lads, Nicky also pinpoints his most memorable Festival win – and there’s 70 to choose from! Episode 1 of our new series includes George ‘Slim’ Scott and Charlie ‘Fit’ Fellowes telling us all about their intensive personal training programmes – find out which one of them is struggling with his press-ups! There’s also plenty of the usual racing and sports chat with Charlie dreaming of Nottingham Forest ending their Premier League exile. All in all, it’s a fast start to Series 4 and we hope you enjoy the episode as much as we did chatting to the one and only Nicky H!