Derailed Trains Of Thought

Episode 126 - Details, Details, Details!



You've heard the story before--a young man from a remote village is thrust into the larger world because he takes on the responsibilty of a great quest, where he'll have great adventure and meet strange creatures. You know, Star Wars. I mean, The Lord of the Rings. Never mind, I mean The Muppet Movie. Obviously, what matters is not the general outline of the story, but the details. Is the hero a farmboy, a hobbit, a frog, or something else? The specifics is where a story becomes truly itself. That's what hosts Timothy Deal and Nick Hayden discuss (in detail) in this episode's Story School. In the second half, we return to It Came From the Intrawebs, with forays into untranslatable words and strange subreddits. We don't know the specifics of where you'll listen to this (in the car, in the kitchen, during a boring meeting), but we're convinced that you'll enjoy this 126th episode of your premiere podcast on storytelling, Derailed Trains of Thought. Show Notes