Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

217. Raj Jana: The Art Of Dancing With Your Shadow



“When we choose to go into the darkest aspects of ourselves, change is exponential.” For me, the first month of 2022 (really the last 5 months) has been infused with shadow work. I want to emphasise that I’ve been fully supported through my journey with mentors and coaches. Shadow work is deep and can be very uncomfortable. It pulls you through emotions and memories that can be hard to hold (which is why I always recommend you do this work with the right support).  Shadow work has sparked exponential shifts for me, but it’s been confronting. This work sits at the intersection of tension, conflict, and resistance. It requires you to step into the discomfort and explore the darker side of your psyche. Where you feel entitled. Where you switch on victim mode. Where you’re attached to egoic beliefs about yourself. Shadow work is a practice to feel feelings you don’t want to feel. You cycle through pain and triggers. But when you surrender to the pain, confusion, and chaos into love, a new