Qigong Audio Books

Qi Talks. Regeneration Meditation Part 2



Premis Even if the body is at rest (if one is laying down), is the mind at rest? If the mind is captured in thoughts, memories, or emotions one is in movement and not at rest. If one cannot guide the mind to stillness one cannot rest completely. In this case, the mind is consuming your energy. This is the case if you ever find yourself thinking in bed, unable to sleep. To optimize rest and recovery, the physical (yang) and mental (yin) must harmonize to create conditions for optimal rest. When the yin and yang can both rest, then we can regenerate, restore, and recharge. *in this guided facilitation we show you how to bring the mind to stillness. Searching the depths of the Yin guides us to the root, essence. Yin is the formless the insubstantial. It is profound stillness, unlimited emptiness. It is the source of all possibilities. When we dip our toes into deep Yin we are stimulated to dive in, plunge, immerse the self into this emptiness. This complete stillness is the ultimate, most profound movement of al