Stephen J. Kosmyna

Manifestation Process III - Visualization and Feel It Real



We’re moving along here with the process of making manifest all you wish to be, do and have in your life as I continue to share the Simple Five Step Manifestation Procedure. Today's episode discusses the third step in this process. While all steps are important and all steps move you to a place where you'll start to experience wins in every area of your life, the quantum movement that evolves into your quantum leaps begins to take shape in this step. Listen in and perhaps go back several episodes so that you grasp and really understand each of these steps. They all go together and build on each other. There are no shortcuts here. We're learning how to cooperate and work in harmony with the laws of infinite potential so that we can make manifest the desires of our heart. Whether you are working on a personal desire or a professional objective, the process is the same. Make no mistake, this is for individuals, small business owners and everyone in the corporate space as well. Learn and apply these steps and you