Judson University Chapel

Fr. Wilbur Ellsworth (10/10/14)



Orthodox Father Wilbur Ellsworth, Baptist pastor turned Orthodox Priest of Holy Transfiguration in Warrenville IL, preached from Luke 24. ____________ During this week we tried something quite unique wherein we sought to hear from three different Christian traditions. Therefore in chapel we heard from a Baptist Protestant Minister, a Catholic priest, and an Orthodox priest.  So why would we do this? Why, in a Baptist University, would we take time in chapel to hear from our Catholic and Orthodox neighbors? Our intention is to show you that we are far more united than we are different.  While we have differences we can still pursue profound unity.   We as the Church, big C, capital C, global church includes our Catholic and Orthodox brothers and sisters. We have the same Spirit, built on the same cornerstone, included in the same Jesus, and believers in the same resurrection.  So our intention with these Church Unity Week podcasts is that you may see that all three traditions believe that Jesus extends freedom