Connie Pheiff Show

ExO World Small Business Summit



ExO World Small Business Summit 50+ speakers and sessions spread over 10 hours of jam-packed agenda to bring together thousands of people across the world to listen to keynote presentations, interact in small curated breakout sessions, network with one other via a special networking feature, and visit interactive exhibition booths. All of this from the comfort of your homes, completely and 100% online. This event is inspired by previous ExO World Events that have brought thousands of people together. We are bringing people together to create hope. We believe that we can transform the world for a better future by using the power of technology and SDG-lens to co-create a bright future. ...and did I mention I will be one of the Speakers and Co-host for the day. You don't want to miss this event. Who should attend? I am glad you asked! This event is for the everyman... *Business Owners *Business Investors *Business Managers *Aspiring Entrepreneurs If you're one of the #CrazyOnes who is making [aspiring] to make a