
Episode 140 – Does Work/Life Balance Exist?



Welcome back to Part 2 of the conversation that Cameron-Brooks Senior Vice President, Joel Junker had with alumni Melodie Nye, Carl Case and Mike DeBock. In this episode, we hear more from our alumni around the area of work/life balance. Joel specifically leads the discussion around: What are your personal hacks/habits for self-development?  We go through valleys or slumps where we are at risk of making a poor career decision. How do you overcome that and use that for career progression? What does work/life balance look like in your world?  Words of wisdom/parting advice.  There were also several authors, books on podcasts mentioned through the conversation including: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch Start with Why by Simon Sinek Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh The Dip by Seth Godin Atomic Habits by James Clear Podcast: How I Built This with Guy Raz Podcast: Exponential Wisdom by Peter Diamandis and Dan Sullivan Author: John Maxwell If you are interested in exploring your option