Derailed Trains Of Thought

Episode 124 - Like the Lilies of the Field



Every story, whether long or short, written or visual, occupies a space of time--and then it's over. Gone. Unless, of course, you can read or watch it again. Still, there is a transience to stories, a space they occupy in our lives that ends and can never really be repeated. How does this affect our experience of stories? Tim and Nick attempt an answer in this episode's Story School. Then, with festive munificence, your hosts round out the second half not with one, not with two, but with three segments! First, what's a holiday without Pun Times! Then, a special Christmas CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! about...Christmas specials. Finally, there's A Bit of Story to touch on the meaning of the season. Wherever and whenever this episode of your premiere podcast on storytelling for the creator and consumer finds you, we hope it's a jolly good time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Show Notes