Valley Beit Midrash

Is A Person Obligated To Receive Medical Assistance?



A virtual event presentation by Rabbi Yoni Rosensweig ABOUT THE EVENT: When we don’t feel well, we usually go and see the doctor. But do we have to? Can I let my health slip? Is there an obligation to stay healthy? Come and learn the basic sources behind this question and the meaning behind this technical discussion. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Rav Yoni Rosensweig is the Rabbi of the Netzach Menashe community in Beit Shemesh, a teacher in Midreshet Linenbaum, and author of several books. -- DONATE:​​​​​​​ For podcasts of VBM lectures, GO HERE:​ Become a member today, starting at just $18 per month! Click the link to see our membership options: