Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

114 Creating Happiness and Success in Your Life and in Your Business: An Interview with Venus Castleberg 1 of a Two-Part Interview



In this episode, Christina Martini and Venus Castleberg discuss: Living with gratitude for everything, even the trials and the struggles.  Asking for what you want.  Trying without fear of failure to develop your why.  Getting out of our own way.    Key Takeaways: Nobody wants to think they are broken, nobody wants to think they need help.  Judging kills, it stops what is possible, and it stops creation and growth.  Everything you are looking for is already within you, if you just look.  You choose what you want to create based on the thought patterns and beliefs in your brain.    "What and why comes from living your life. It's not that you necessarily know everything that you want upfront, you start to discover that as you're living your life." —  Venus Castleberg   Connect with Venus Castleberg: Instagram: (   Facebook: