1869, The Cornell University Press Podcast

1869, Ep. 97 with Patricia Norland, author of The Saigon Sisters



This episode we speak with Patricia Norland, author of the new book The Saigon Sisters: Privileged Women in the Resistance - https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501749735/the-saigon-sisters/ https://www.thesaigonsisters.com/ Patricia D. Norland most recently worked as a public diplomacy officer within the US Department of State. She is the translator of Beyond the Horizon and the author of Vietnam in the Children of the World series. We spoke to Patricia about how her chance encounter with a social worker in Ho Chi Minh City set the stage for writing her new book, why we desperately need to diversify the voices chronicling the history of 20th century Vietnam, and why personal oral histories are irreplaceable in truly understanding the region’s rich history.