Lead To Win With Michael Hyatt

#084: Feeling Overwhelmed? Here's Your Action Plan



Leaders thrive on getting things done. The problem is that there’s more to be done than any one person can accomplish. That can leave you feeling overwhelmed, even paralyzed. Ever found yourself procrastinating because you couldn’t decide what to do next?There’s a better way.We’ve got a simple plan for any time you feel overwhelmed at work. These four action steps will help you regain your margin and be more productive than ever.If you find yourself feeling dread rather than excitement when you think about work, it’s time for a change. Try it and see!This episode of Lead to Win is brought to you by the new Classic, Executive, and Bold Full Focus Planners. Find out more at leadto.win/planner.***Here’s what we talk about inside this episode—What’s really making you feel overwhelmed.The real secret to ending overwhelm.How to regain a sense of control in your life.A simple technique for culling your to-do list.How your favorite productivity tool might be contributing to your overwhelm.How to recognize your produc