Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown wsg Steph Turner



Steph Turner identifies as a trans-spirit individual who is grounded in her own Native American heritage. After coming out in 1993 as transgender, she learned firsthand about needs when she was falsely accused and incarcerated for a crime she did not commit. No consideration was given for her gender identity and she was placed in an all-male facility. Since this experience Steph has felt compelled to transcend political and other divisive activities to deeply connect with all sides to resolve the impacted needs. After earning degrees in Sociology, Anthropology, Counseling and Public Administration she realized these fields exist to find answers our many needs. She went on to found Anankelogy the disciplined study of need. In her book “You Need This: Introducing Anankelogy, the Study of Need” she explains how our actions, beliefs, and thinking all occur after our factual needs. She plans two follow-up books on the subject “We Need This: Introducing Anankelogy Principles and Wisdom” followed by “We Need You