Valley Beit Midrash

Honeybees and Torah



ABOUT THE EVENT: How are honeybees portrayed in biblical and later Jewish sources? Why is honey kosher? What is the status of other hive products – bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly? Join Rabbi Amalia to discuss this and other issues relating to bees. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Rabbi Amalia Haas facilitates life cycle events, programming and retreats grounded in Torah, mindfulness, bibliodrama, nature, art and music. She was ordained in 2020 by Yeshivat Maharat and completed a residency in Chaplaincy at the Cleveland Clinic. She is also a Holding Space Consultant with the Institute for Birth, Breath and Death. Her company Bee Awesome markets kosher raw honey for Rosh HaShanah. Her varietal honey tasting and experiential calendar and honey bee programs inspire communities to save the bees and avert climate crisis. She holds an M.A. in Jewish Education from Yeshiva University and a B.A. in Musical Performance from Oberlin College. Amalia lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband Adam, six children ages 10 – 24, and m