Shane Plays

RPG Artist Jeshields & Uncommon Monstrosities - Episode 251 - 11-19-2021



A cool project to make 3D-printable RPG miniatures from Jeshield’s art. Plus! How did he build his RPG stock art business as the main part of his income? What was the RPG that influenced him to become an artist, and what piece of its art impacted him the most? Straight talk on the financials of the RPG art business. Comparing an artist website versus Patreon vs DriveThruRPG. The importance of a rate sheet. Beware the mighty werefrog! Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #251 - 11/19/2021 Like what you hear? Support Shane Plays Geek Talk on Patreon! Shane Plays Geek Talk is carried on Krypton Radio! Krypton Radio is SciFi for your Wifi Listen to the Shane Plays Geek Talk podcast on YouTube, SoundCloud, iTunes, Google Play Music, Amazon Music, Podbean and Stitcher (and other fine, fine podcast directories). Hey, you! Yeah, you! Buy cool stuff, support Shane Plays Geek Talk with these affiliate links! Humble Bundle