Switching Title

Symphony of Souls



(Listen to audio here)The reasons for which half the leaves on a tree remain in Summer, While the rest turn into Autumn may be scientifically explained, just as to why the sky is still grey even when the sun is up.  But as long as I cannot explain it, the observation is a youthful one, a wonder.Classic beauty is easy to distinguish.  Watch the trends in T.V., art, fashion, music, architecture, radio, automobiles, technology, literature, movies, interior design, photography, web and graphic design, cuisine, hair styles (including facial and body), and pornography.Shape and color, sound, smell, feel, and taste.Can beauty bypass the senses?  Beauty may be experienced by the mind using representations of what the senses can interpret.It is classic beauty because a majority agrees it has represented beauty for an extended period of time.Other types of beauty include: original, unique, "in the eye of the beholder."A unique or original beauty may only be perceived by a unique or original mind.  T