Morgan & Dom: Storm Chasers

Special: Morgan and Dom on 3SSR’s “Rare” (2015)



Heads up: This is very old. It was originally recorded in early 2015 and posted on our website, but it never made it to the podcast feed.... until now. Here's the original description of this interview, back from when we were doing 'Doomsday Broadcast' on 3SSR: Believe it or not, Morgan and I aren't the only two people on 3SSR. Every Monday at 11, right after Doomsday Broadcast, Isaac takes over the airwaves with Rare, a unique show that's different each week, and where anything goes. A couple of weeks ago, we stayed after our show to chat. Morgan and I spoke a bit about the inspiration for Doomsday and brainstormed future segments for the show. I had to leave after about 15 minutes, but Morgan stayed behind and spoke about a whole bunch of other things for another half-hour and then some. Isaac's real guests didn't turn up for ages, so this recording lasts for almost 50 minutes and is about 70MB. It's a good laugh though.