Ontario Craft Brewers' Podcast

Exploring Barrel Aging with Amsterdam Brewery (Part 1)



In this episode of Ontario Brewer, BeerologyTM’s Mirella Amato explores the topic of barrel aging beer with head brewer Iain McOustra and brewer Cody Nolan from Amsterdam Brewing Co. Cody and Iain both talk about the new brewing facilities that they’re working in. They then turn their attention to barrel-aged beers, explaining how they use barrels and the learning curve involved in working with new barrels instead of attaining barrel-aged notes using wood chips. They provide details on how they choose which beers to barrel age, how they decide the amount of time a beer will spend in a barrel as well as the various yeasts and bacteria that are involved in barrel-aging and souring beer. The two brewers then talk more specifically about the feature Amsterdam Beers for this month’s podcasts: Barrel Aged Rye Peppercorn Saison & De Wallen Barrel Aged Sour Framboise.