1520 Classic Radio




In this episode we hear voices. Voices of those MC's who have distinction on the microphone.What is the hallmark of  a distinct MC? Is it a growl?  A signature sound? Intricate word play?Well, we dug deep into the crates this episode to bring you some raw, edgy and amazing voices that when you hear them, you will be like "DAAAAAMN SON".  The 1520 Classic Radio Show loves beats, lyrics and intricate rhyme flows and we showcase the likes of all those who can spit a hot rhyme and be remembered by just their voice.So don't be alarmed when you Busta Rhyme, because we've got the Tone Loc'd after Nine, so Get at Me Dog while I proclaim my fame Celph Titled! RIGHT CLICK TO "SAVE AS"SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST!FOLLOW US ON TWITTER!Press Play below to Hear us NOW!If you like what you hear, remember, we are always live on Saturday Nights from 10pm to 2am, NYC time.We are also available on demand in your ear holes 24x7 to give you sweet sweet aural on this blog or by finding us on iTunes!We want to hear from