When Harry Met Fatty

90. Can't Hardly Wait (1998)



This week Dave and Noah crash the party of last century!  Can't Hardly Wait from 1998 stars Ethan Embry, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Seth Green and an assortment of other poor souls who have since succumbed to the Y2K crisis at the turn of the century. In order to earn her Ghost Whisperer wings, Jennifer Love Hewitt breaks up with the most popular stud in school.  Hearing that Jennifer is footloose and fancy free, Ethan Embry takes it upon himself to put out the torch that he's been carrying for her his entire highschool career.  He will pour his heart out to her at the Graduation Kegger that's raging at Molly's house. However, like the Hotel California, this party may have some brewskies on ice, but every person attending is a prisoner of their own device!  Dave gives some sage advice to the class of 1998. Noah consults Wikihow for the what, when and where of life.