Tictoc By Bloomberg

What You're Not Eating Is Killing You



Which risk factor is responsible for more deaths around the world? It’s not smoking. It’s not even high blood pressure. It’s a poor diet. In fact, it’s what we’re not eating that’s killing us faster, according to a new global study. Andrew Mach speaks to Dr. Ashkan Afshin of the University of Washington, who authored the study that was published this week in the medical journal The Lancet, and he says the fix is more than just eating more fruits and vegetables. FOLLOW UP Bloomberg's latest report: It Isn't Just Meat That's Killing You ---- TicToc is a daily news podcast hosted by Andrew Mach (@andrewjmach), produced at Bloomberg Worldwide HQ in New York City. You can follow up with us and watch our reporting @tictoc. If you like it, be sure to rate us on iTunes, and tell your friends!