The Third Reich History Podcast

Community, Exclusion, and Endphase Violence



Who was excluded from the Nazi “community of the people” in the final months of the war? What can post-war trials tell us about atrocities committed in the Endphase? In this episode, Chris and Ryan review Sven Keller’s chapter Crimes in the End Phase of the Second World War: Considerations on Exclusion, Methodology, and Source Critique. Join us for a discussion about the nature of terror at the end of the war, the motives of perpetrators, and changing expectations that that exposed new groups to the heavy hand of the state. News: David Imhoof's review of Christian Peters' Nationalsozialistische Machtdurchsetzung in Kleinstädten: Eine vergleichende Studie zu Quackenbrück und Heide/Holstein (Bielefeld, 2015)